Time to check your mailbox …

By Trust for Public Land
Published November 5, 2015

Time to check your mailbox …

For more than 40 years, The Trust for Public Land has worked to connect people to nature, parks, and each other. These connections are the focus of the latest issue of Land&People, our award-winning member magazine—hot off the press this week!

Land&People is a twice-yearly collection of inspiring stories and photography, featuring special places protected with help from people like you. In the fall/winter 2015 edition, you'll find:

    •    An insider's look at the nation's newest elevated park and trail 

    •    One California city's hard-fought journey to urban renewal 

    •   The centuries-old concept that's helping communities reclaim their woodlands    

Land&People magazine is an exclusive benefit to supporters of The Trust for Public Land. If you're not yet a member, now is the perfect time to join: through December 1, 2015,  your donation will be matched dollar for dollar—up to a total of $250,000.

It’s a great chance to double your impact on parks and conservation across the country—and help The Trust for Public Land connect even more people to parks and the outdoors. We'll hope you'll join us today!

Our Forests Are at Risk; You Can Help

Despite the importance and popularity of our forests, they face unprecedented threats. Take action now and urge Congress to protect our country’s forests by signing our petition today!

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