Hyde Farm

What We Did

Strategically acquired property from private landowners, maintained the integrity of multiple outbuildings, and conveyed the property to the National Park Service

Our Goal

Protect a piece of Georgia history from development.

Hyde Farm by the Numbers
Acres preserved
Protecting a Legacy of Land on an Old Georgia Farm
U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA, 2003–2015)

“Hyde Farm is a true Georgia treasure and, with the increasing development around the Atlanta area, it’s only right we protect and preserve this special place.

This land acquisition was successful because of the dedication of the many folks in Cobb County, the Trust for Public Land, and the Friends of Hyde Farm, who have been involved in protecting this green space for many years. It is due to their efforts that families will be able to enjoy this tremendous educational tool and recreational tool for generations to come.”

About the Project
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A wooden house in a wooded area.
Read our Land&People article about the farm.

Atlanta has pushed outward in all directions, churning farmland and forest into subdivisions and shopping malls. To find a 19th-century farm near a busy intersection of suburban roads is an odd discovery indeed—and a site well worth protecting.

Six Summer Picks along the Chattahoochee

Since the early 1990s, Trust for Public Land has worked with partners to expand the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area by nearly 1,000 acres. We’ve had lots of time to get to know the river—and there’s much to love. Here are our top six picks for exploring the area.

Get in Touch with Our Georgia Team
Atlanta Office

600 West Peachtree St. NW
Suite 1840
Atlanta, GA, 30308
(404) 873-7306
[email protected]

Vice President Southern Region, Georgia, Florida, and Chesapeake State Director

[email protected]