Newark Park Analysis

Published: January 1st, 2004

This report looks at the history of parks in Newark as well as the tremendous need for more city parks and recreational open spaces. The findings show that many Newark children do not have parks and playgrounds within walking distance of their homes, something that is essential to a thriving city environment and one that promotes individual growth and strong community ties. According to the new report, green space in urban areas provides substantial environmental benefits and also produces important social and community development benefits.

City parks and playgrounds make inner-city neighborhoods more livable—especially when they involve community and neighborhood partners. Parks can offer recreational opportunities for at-risk youth, low-income children and low-income families and provide places in low-income neighborhoods where people can feel a sense of community. Access to public parks and recreational facilities has been strongly linked to reductions in crime and in particular, to reduced juvenile delinquency.

In Newark, The Trust for Public Land has already invested $2.5 million in neighborhood playgrounds. We partnered with the city to achieve an award of nearly $1.2 million from the National Park Service Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Program and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres program to redevelop Mildred Helms Park. We also received grants and Green Acres funding to develop Nat Turner Park.


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