Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to my donation if the fundraising goal is not met and The Trust for Public Land cannot purchase PXP’s leases?

The Trust for Public Land is working with its partners and community members to meet the $8.75 million goal by the December 31 deadline. We are confident we will succeed. If for any reason this is not the case, donations intended for the Hoback Basin Campaign would be directed to support The Trust for Public Land’s continued work in Wyoming. Donors may elect otherwise for gifts of $10,000 or more.

What happens if the $8.75 million goal needed for The Trust for Public Land to complete the campaign to Save the Hoback is exceeded?

All gifts above and beyond the $8.75 million goal will be directed to support The Trust for Public Land’s continued work in Wyoming. However, The Trust for Public Land will closely monitor donations so that when the goal is reached, we can publically announce success! We will also quickly share the news via email and the website. To ensure you receive timely updates on the status of our campaign to Save the Hoback, sign up for email updates at

What’s the latest update? How much have you raised so far? 

To get the latest Hoback news including fundraising progress, sign up for campaign e-updates

What’s the likelihood that the deal falls through before December 31?

The Trust for Public Land has made a down payment to secure the leases from PXP. This is a binding agreement and subject to our fundraising deadline.

Is $8.75 million the cost of the leases?

$8.75 million is the total cost of the campaign to Save the Hoback. It includes the purchase cost of the leases, plus transaction, fundraising, and administrative costs. The cost of the leases themselves is greater than 90% of the total campaign goal.