Conservation tools

We craft custom parks research, analysis, and planning solutions for municipalities, foundations, and public agencies. We also provide conservation professionals with powerful online tools and research databases.


Our ParkScore® index is the most comprehensive rating system ever developed to measure how well the 50 largest U.S. cities are meeting the need for parks.

Using an advanced GIS (Geographic Information System), ParkScore provides in-depth data to guide local park improvement efforts. Our mapping technology identifies which neighborhoods and demographics are underserved by parks and how many people are able to reach a park within a ten-minute walk.


The LandVote database is a comprehensive repository of conservation ballot measures by state, finance mechanisms, and jurisdiction type. GIS-enabled and highly customizable, LandVote is a powerful tool for communities, policymakers, and conservation professionals.

The Conservation Almanac

The Conservation Almanac is the go-to site for discovering, analyzing, and mapping the results of federal, state, and local funding for land conservation. The almanac tracks conservation spending with data on acreage, source of funds, and dozens of other attributes, allowing users to assess and compare the value of conservation investments over time.

The National Conservation Easement Database

The National Conservation Easement Database compiles records from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States, providing a comprehensive picture of the estimated 40 million acres of conservation easement lands.