Hazel Johnson Memorial Greenway

Chicago | Illinois

What We’re Doing
Working hand-in-hand with residents and community leaders to build greenspace in the historic Altgeld Gardens community.

Our Goal
Honor the legacy of Hazel Johnson through our Black History and Culture program, while creating a park and trail where it’s needed most.

Hazel Johnson Memorial Greenway by the Numbers
people live within a 10-minute walk
public housing units at Altgeld Gardens
Honoring the Mother of Environmental Justice
About This Project
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  • This project is supported by our Black History and Culture program.

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Get in Touch With Our Illinois Team
Chicago Office

55 W. Monroe St.
Suite 3360
Chicago, IL, 60603
(312) 750-9820

Associate Vice President, Illinois State Director

(312) 750-9820

Sam Kiley
Director of Philanthropy, Chicago