Zuni Park Fitness Zone® area

Zuni Park in north Denver offered few amenities to keep people there, until now. The Trust for Public Land recently installed durable outdoor workout equipment in Zuni Park through our Fitness Zone® program. We recruited students from the School of Physical Therapy at Regis University to craft circuit workout trainings and reach out to neighborhood residents of all ages and fitness levels to welcome them to the new facility.
The Fitness Zone is part of Cultivate Health, a cooperative effort lead by Regis University and nonprofit partners like The Trust for Public Land, to address public health issues like diet, exercise, and quality medical care in the Chaffee Park neighborhood. Chaffee Park is a diverse, mixed-income community in north Denver, and its residents are at elevated risk of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Fitness Zone users can find tailored workout routines to fit their age and ability on the Cultivate Health website.