Wolcott Community Forest

Wolcott | Vermont

What We’re Doing
Creating more green space and recreational opportunities for Vermonters to enjoy.

Our Goal
Put a park or green space within walking distance of all Vermonters and connect them to the benefits of the outdoors.

Wolcott Community Forest by the Numbers
acres to be protected
Weather icon on a blue background.
acres of wetlands
A mountain icon in a green circle.
miles of streams 
rare and uncommon plants found in the area 
Protecting the Stunning Landscapes in Our Own Backyard
About This Project
  • Map Legend

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Get in Touch With Our Vermont Team
Montpelier Office

3 Shipman Place
Montpelier, VT, 05602
(802) 223-1373
[email protected]

Vice President New England Region, Vermont & New Hampshire State Director

[email protected]