West Fork San Jacinto Watershed Greenprint

The Trust for Public Land worked with the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) and a wide range of stakeholders to develop the West Fork San Jacinto Watershed Greenprint. Through community engagement and state-of-the-art computer modeling, the Greenprint blends local priorities with science and research to identify lands with the highest value for voluntary conservation.
The goals of the Greenprint are to (1) protect water quality, and (2) provide access to water-based recreation. The Greenprint consists of a set of prioritized maps and related strategies for action, that can guide local communities in protecting waterways and open space in order to ensure quality of life, clean water, and economic health.
The Greenprint partners respect private property rights and recognize the critical importance of working lands in the study area and their stewardship by ranchers and farmers, most of whom are deeply committed to maintaining the unique environment and rural culture of the West Fork San Jacinto, Lake Creek, and Lake Conroe Watersheds. We also believe that while public recreational access can provide important opportunities for physical activity and connecting to the outdoors, this access must be well planned and maintained—and developed through engagement with and respect for longtime landowners and others who may be impacted.