Tall Timber Ranch

For nearly 50 years, Tall Timber Ranch has been the home
of a Presbyterian Church wilderness camp, reaching out to
children and adults alike with a powerful combination of social
and environmental messages, establishing and nurturing a love
for nature in a theological context.
This breathtakingly beautiful 130 acre property sits at the edge
of the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area north west of Leavenworth,
nestled in a high alpine meadow where massive cedars are common,
and two glacial rivers run from towering snowcapped peaks into
densely wooded valleys.
The Trust for Public Land and the Chelan Douglas Land
Trust have helped Tall Timber place a conservation easement on 40
acres of their land. This frees up much needed capital to create a
long-term endowment to support the camp and improve its facilities,
permanently protecting irreplaceable wilderness salmon and
streamside habitat from the very real threat of development.