Summer Creek

The successful conclusion of the Summer Creek project in 2010 is a testament to The Trust for Public Land’s tenacity and commitment, both in fund-raising and sensitive negotiations. At $5.3 million and 43 acres this is one of the City of Tigard’s largest ever land acquisitions. The property encompasses important trail, park, and natural area features, and while it will be designated as a new park, the land is already well-loved, and much used by the locals. Indeed the children of Fowler Middle School have been planting native grasses and shrubs and stewarding the property for years now.
TPL’s work to protect Summer Creek also sowed the seed for a local ballot measure, and the project became the symbol of what Tigard and its people would gain if they voted for new parks funding. Now, the City of Tigard is showcasing Summer Creek as the first of several new parks and land conservation sites made possible with voter-approved funding.