Seedlings coloring book

The Trust for Public Land’s Heat Response project engages community members in Fairhill, Grays Ferry, and Southeast Philadelphia to create public art that addresses the question: “Why should we care about urban heat and what can we do about it?”
In Fairhill, artists, Temple students, and community members created “Seedlings: Fighting the dangers of urban heat” an interactive bilingual coloring book to help users understand why urban heat is a matter of environmental justice. The coloring book is a way to share stories and advocate for change in neighborhoods that experience higher levels of heat. Share this with the children in your life, and use it to start an important conversation about how communities work together to address the impacts of climate change.
Narration by: Kenza Bousseloub. Illustration by: Holly Hazel. Produced by: Keir Johnston and Linda Fernandez of Amber Art and Design. Community Lead: Charito Morales. Community Engagement Coordinator: Josh Reaves.