Penobscot Valley Community Greenprint

Between March 2007 and June 2009, twelve Penobscot Valley communities collaborated to address land use and conservation on a regional scale. The Communities worked together under the leadership of The Trust for Public Land, the Penobscot Valley Council of Governments and the Bangor Land Trust to produce a road map for their future.
Through our proven Greenprint process, the communities worked together to produce the Penobscot Valley Community Greenprint, which identifies the characteristics that make the region special, sustain its quality of life, and attract people and businesses. The Greenprint maps these characteristics; and prioritizes strategies for their protection.
Key conservation goals for the Penobscot Valley include:
- Protect habitat and unfragmented natural areas
- Maintain scenic values and protect scenic vistas
- Protect working landscapes
- Protect water quality
- Establish areas for public access and recreation
- Create multi-purpose trails
The 12 participating communities include Bangor, Bradley, Brewer, Eddington, Hampden, Hermon, Holden, Milford, Old Town, Orono, Orrington, and Veazie.