Millinocket Forest

In March 2011, The Trust for Public Land protected two working forest properties totaling more than 7,000 acres in the Millinocket region of Maine, just east of the iconic Baxter State Park, where TPL protected Katahdin Lake in 2006. The properties at Sandy Stream and Mud Brook will be managed for recreation and sustainable timber harvesting by the Maine Bureau of Parks & Lands, and a third protected parcel, Lookout Mountain, may be added in the near future.
Purchased from Burt’s Bees founder and owner Roxanne Quimby, the parcels are critical links in a motorized trail network – the Interconnected Trail System—stretching from Millinocket in north central Maine to Aroostook county in the far north. Much of the two properties will remain working forests, and their proximity to other conservation lands will help preserve scenic views at Mount Katahdin and protect ecological resources, including extensive wetlands and riparian areas.