Beavertail to Bearmouth

The Trust for Public Land and the U.S. Forest Service have successfully added 6,132 acres to the Lolo National Forest. The forest land, previously owned by Stimson Lumber Company, is a short drive east of Missoula near Beavertail Hill State Park. Outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds frequent the area and it is an extremely popular destination for both hunters and fishermen. This added acreage will help protect wildlife habitat and provide many recreational access opportunities in the great outdoors. Consolidating ownership of these checkerboard lands will also allow for coordinating public land management including fire protection and landscape level vegetation control projects.
This project is supported by numerous hunting and fishing organizations, and will ensure permanent public access as well as motorized recreation opportunities on designated roads. Funding for this project was provided by the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Sportsmen Recreation Access Fund. This project would not have been possible without the help of the Montana Congressional delegation, and their steadfast support of the LWCF.