Alphabet Farms


What We’re Doing
Protecting important wildlife habitat and farmland that’s vital to retaining county jobs and revenue

Our Goal
Safeguard the county’s agricultural history and identity for future generations

Alphabet Farms by the Numbers
acres of land preserved in Ranch A and F
Alphabet Farm ranch projects
1 out of 6
jobs in the county is supported by agriculture 
A group of people standing in a circle.
of residents identify as Hispanic or Latino 
Our Work at Alphabet Farms
About This Project
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Get in Touch With Our California Team
Los Angeles Office

135 West Green Street
2nd Floor
Pasadena, CA, 91105
(323) 223-0441
[email protected]

Sacramento Office

1107 9th Street
Suite 1050
Sacramento, CA, 95814
(916) 557-1673
[email protected]

San Francisco Office

23 Geary Street
Suite 1000
San Francisco, CA, 94108
(415) 495-4014
[email protected]

Vice President Pacific Region, California State Director