TPL Acquires Stringer’s Ridge Property (TN)

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. 1/12/2009: The preservation of Stringer’s Ridge moved another step closer with the purchase late Friday of a key 37-acre site by The Trust for Public Land, a national nonprofit land conservation organization.

The property is part of a 92-acre site that covers the four hilltops along Stringer’s Ridge, which rises above the Hill City neighborhood in North Chattanooga. The hills are clearly visible from downtown, the riverfront, North Market Street, and Cherokee Boulevard. The 92-acre property is forested and undeveloped.

In partnership with the City of Chattanooga, the local TPL office launched a campaign to protect Stringer’s Ridge in September. Friday’s acquisition preserves 37 acres of the 92-acre undeveloped ridge property. This is a critical first step in preserving Stringer’s Ridge. The second step will be to finalize the conservation easement to prevent future development on the remaining 55 acres. As much of the site as possible will be conserved as a public park, although, if necessary, TPL will sell up to 10 acres of land next to the neighborhood for limited residential development in order to finance the protection of the rest of the property. A public planning process will assure the community will continue to have a strong voice in determining the future of this landmark property.

“Thanks to the generosity of many concerned individuals and groups, we’ve raised over $1.9 million-nearly 80 percent-of the total $2.5 million needed to protect this very special landscape,” said Rick Wood, director of TPL’s Chattanooga Office. “Our goal now is to secure the remaining funds by summer 2009.”

“Financial support from the general public is still key to protecting Stringer’s Ridge,” said Wood. Gifts can be sent to The Trust for Public Land, 202 Tremont Street, Chattanooga, TN 37405 or donated through TPL’s website at For more information about how to support TPL’s work on Stringer’s Ridge, contact Carla Askonas at 265-5229, ext. 4 or go to