Land Sale Planned for Property
A small piece of property in El Cerrito which was donated to The Trust for Public Land will be offered for sale on the open market and the proceeds will be used to support creating more parks for people, the organization announced today.
The land is a 10,000 square foot residential parcel in the East Bay community of El Cerrito, next to the separate 8-acre Madera open space property, which the organization is working with the city of El Cerrito to turn into a park.
The Trust for Public Land bought the larger parcel for $475,000 in 2013 and will sell it to El Cerrito for the same price on December 17.
Both parcels were owned by the same person. After agreeing to sell the larger property to The Trust for Public Land, he later offered to donate the smaller property.
“We evaluated the residential lot carefully and concluded it doesn’t have much conservation value to add to the park. By selling it we could generate significant funds to invest in our mission of creating more parks across the Bay Area, particularly in our region’s most park poor communities,” said Brendan Moriarty, project manager for The Trust for Public Land.
The Trust for Public Land creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come. Nearly ten million people live within a ten-minute walk of a Trust for Public Land park, garden, or natural area, and millions more visit these sites every year.