Eastern Sierra’s Conway Ranch Saved From Development–Celebration Planned for September 30 (CA)
SAN FRANCISCO-The Trust for Public Land (TPL), Mono County, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and many local supporters will gather on Conway Ranch on Saturday, September 30 to celebrate the public protection of the historic 1,031-acre Conway Ranch. TPL purchased the ranch in 1995 to protect the property from a proposed 440-unit residential complex and accompanying commercial development, which planned to use the property’s water to irrigate a new golf course. TPL conveyed the property to Mono County and the BLM earlier this year. Located on the ruggedly beautiful eastside of the Sierra Nevada, Conway Ranch is just three miles north of Mono Lake. Equipped with a log cabin and corral fences, the ranch dates back to the California gold rush when it provided cattle to the historic mining town of Bodie.
Conway Ranch land dedication
Elected Officials
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Mono County
The Trust for Public Land
Saturday, September 30, 2000
1 pm music
2 pm dedication ceremony
3 pm refreshments
3:30 pm hiking tours
On Conway Ranch on the East side of Highway 395 at Conway Ranch Road. Conway Ranch Road is approximately 8 miles north of Lee Vining at the base of Conway Summit.
Excellent Photo and Video Opportunities
Posted on September 26, 2000