Over 70 Native American tribes and Indigenous communities have honored Trust for Public Land by allowing us to work with them to return access, stewardship and ownership of important lands and be open to how our work can best advance tribal language and culture. TPL will continue to build relationships with tribal and Indigenous communities, and work to advance their priorities for land. We see this work as central to our core commitments to community and equity and will seek to weave the resulting insights and progress throughout everything we do.

We are committed to showing respect, transparency, and humility with our tribal and Indigenous partner communities. We will make a sustained investment to advance our work with them. TPL staff and volunteers will seek to grow our understanding through training, listening, and ongoing engagement.

Adopted by unanimous vote of the National Board of Directors on April 27, 2023.

Lucas St. Clair

Lucas St. Clair, Board Chair


Download the Statement of Intention