Harry White
Harry White met The Trust for Public Land through Coogan Farm and helping lead its successful, $5 million campaign in 2012- Harry’s 40th year of volunteer fund-raising and helping to lead nonprofits.
Much of Harry’s work career was in consulting nonprofit board and planning issues. He also worked for the National Center for Nonprofit Boards (today, BoardSource), taught graduate courses in fund-raising and communication and published a number of articles on boards and fund-raising. Earlier, Harry headed the advancement office at Manhattanville College and raised funds for Dartmouth’s Tuck School and the Tilton School in NH. Also in the 1970s, he was the American Bankers Association liaison with black colleges and banks, and he advised colleges and public school systems for the management consulting firm of Cresap, McCormick & Paget.
Harry’s BA from Northwestern included founding the sailing club and leading it to 300 members, ten boats and a campus boathouse. His MBA from Dartmouth focused less on sailing and more on strategic marketing. Until his knees hit 50, Harry was in his family’s fourth generation of trail and mountain runners! Harry still enjoys cross-country skiing, hiking and sailing with his wife, Liz, who is a former social worker and psychoanalyst. Today, Liz plays harpsichord and piano and is an avid gardener. (Member since 2018)